TID : 72650174 | Dept Tender Number : tender_number | Tender Type :Contract

Rate contract for Design, Manufacture, Testing, Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 03 MWp Grid connected Rooftop SPV Power Plants of different capacities including Five Y ears Comprehensive Maintenance contract (CMC) on Turnke y basis on Government Residential Buildings anywhere in the state of Jharkhand. at Ranchi,Jharkhand,India

Classified in : #New Power Plant #Power
money Key Values
Worth : ₹ 150000000.0
EMD : Refer Document
Tender Doc Fees : Refer Document
calendar Key Date
Due Date : 01-Jul-2024
Days Pending : -88 Days
Bid Opening Date : 03-Jul-2024
Publication Date : 08-Jun-2024
location Key Location
Location : Ranchi,Jharkhand,India
Address : mobile