Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Ref. Number : 76337763
Requirement : Construction of Amaravati HAPPY NEST Residential Housing Project Consisting of Total 1200 Apartment units in 12 towers of G + 18 Floors Pattern with Sub Structure, RC wall Super Structure using shear wall technique with aluminum formwork, podium, Architectural Finishes, Internal & External Electrical, Plumbing & Sanitary, Landscape, Fire Fighting, Lifts, DG Sets , HVAC, Security Systems, External development and LPG on Item Wise basis Design Built including Three 3 Years Defect Liability Period near , Nelapadu, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh

Key Values

Document Fees : INR 29,500
Tender Estimated Cost : INR 7,709,482,344
Closing Date : 4/10/2024
Location : Andhra Pradesh - India

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