Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Ref. Number : 73669747 Tender Number : 82241881 Tender Prod. No : 82241881
Pre-Qualification : 1 Only those firm(s) are eligible to tender for a product, whose product appears in the product list of the firm uploaded on Board's website (Updated). Even if a firm is L1 but the product is not available in the list, such an offer will be summarily rejected. Repeated submission of tenders for products not included in the Firm's product list would amount to misconduct leading to punitive action against the firm. Please upload Copy of Board Approved Product List of your firm, specifying the product being quoted. Yes Yes Allowed (Optional)
Requirement : Supply of Thyroxine Sodium 75 Mcg

Key Values

Closing Date : 26/08/2024
Location : Multi State - India

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