TID : 72892638 | Dept Tender Number : tender_number | Tender Type :Buy

Supply of Yamuna Denson make 33 KV 300 Sq. mm. Straight Through Joint and 3.3 KV indoor Termination Kit 300 sqmm and 150 sqmm for repair work of 33 KV and 3.3. KV dedicated electric feeders of various pumping stations under clause 14.5 of agreement at Jaipur,Rajasthan,India

money Key Values
Worth : ₹ 542281.0
EMD : Refer Document
Tender Doc Fees : Refer Document
calendar Key Date
Due Date : 19-Jun-2024
Days Pending : -101 Days
Bid Opening Date : 19-Jun-2024
Publication Date : 15-Jun-2024
location Key Location
Location : Jaipur,Rajasthan,India
Address : mobile