TID : 72857953 | Dept Tender Number : tender_number | Tender Type :Contract

Repairing of Pdb Panel By Supply Delivery and Installation of Electro mechanical Devices and Allied Works at Wtp Under, Withdrawing Lowering of Damaged Sub Mersible Pumping Machinery and Repair Rectification of Motor Starter Panel at P/h No Iii of Nrisinghapur Water Supply Scheme Under, Supply and Delivery of Various Spares for Regular Maintenance of Chlorine Dosing Machine to Facilitate Quick Troubleshooting Along with Restoration Works of Dosing Pipeline at Itla and Kulgachi W/s Scheme. at Nadia,West Bengal,India

money Key Values
Worth : Refer Document
EMD : Refer Document
Tender Doc Fees : Refer Document
calendar Key Date
Due Date : 20-Jun-2024
Days Pending : -100 Days
Bid Opening Date : Refer Document
Publication Date : 14-Jun-2024
location Key Location
Location : Nadia,West Bengal,India
Address : mobile