TID : 72452458 | Dept Tender Number : tender_number | Tender Type :Contract

Wss Under Amrut 2.0 : Bid Documents for Rising Main, Distribution Network, Ug Sump with Different Capacity (10 and 5 Ll) at Different Hw, Esr with 5 Ll Capacity, Construction Work of Pump House, 4200 Nos. of House Service Connection in Gamtal Part, Renovation Work of 4 Mld Wtp, Head Work Development, Pumping Machinery Work, Electrical Work with All Allied Work at , for Nagarpalika Dist.
Andvi Wss Under Amrut 2.0 : Bid Documents for Rising Main, Distribution Network, Ug Sump with Differenet Capacity (10 and 5 Ll) at Different Hw, Esr with 5 Ll Capacity, Construction Work of Pump House, 4200 Nos. of House Servise Connection in Gamtal Part, Renovation Work of 4 Mld Wtp, Head Work Development, Pumping Machinery Work, Electrical Work with All Allied Work. at Mandvi,Gujarat,India

money Key Values
Worth : ₹ 154659948.0
EMD : ₹ 1546600.0
Tender Doc Fees : ₹ 21240.0
calendar Key Date
Due Date : 21-Jun-2024
Days Pending : -100 Days
Bid Opening Date : Refer Document
Publication Date : 01-Jun-2024
location Key Location
Location : Mandvi,Gujarat,India
Address : mobile