TID : 72311450 | Dept Tender Number : tender_number | Tender Type :Contract

Servicing of PA fans, ID fans, FD fans.
Supply of half round ss shield for boiler tubes.
Supply of chemical bonded and firecreate refractory.
Annual work contract for rebabitting of worn out pillow block bearing of PA fans.
Supply of switchgear spares for HT/LT control panel.
Work contract for maintenance servicing of different power cylinders.
Work of servicing repairing and mechanization of guillotine gates of ducts.
Supply of inlet pipe ventury assembly of coal mill XRP 883 for unit 3.
Supply of H2, CO2 & N2 gas cylinders.
Supply and application of refractory with external and internal stregheing of bottom ash hopper by shiffener welding, repairing of platform, stairs and HP header, replacement of clinker grinder gearbox and motor complete foundation and other allied work.
Renovation and repairing of kitchen counter cooking line and other allied work.
Annual contract for transportation of H2/CO2 Gas cylinders.
Supply of various spares of coal mill XRP 883 LOP system for unit.
Fabrication and fixing of MS scrap pipe.
Supply of positioner with built in position feedback transmitter.
Strengthening and fabrication work of pipeline rack structure for HP header, ESP discharge line, clinker grinder discharge line and allied work. at Multi Location,Maharashtra,India

money Key Values
Worth : ₹ 4998000.0
EMD : Refer Document
Tender Doc Fees : ₹ 1180.0
calendar Key Date
Due Date : 15-Jun-2024
Days Pending : -106 Days
Bid Opening Date : 15-Jun-2024
Publication Date : 26-May-2024
location Key Location
Location : Multi Location,Maharashtra,India
Address : mobile